
In all sectors (mining, construction, hydrogeology, geological and geomechanical investigations, laboratory investigations planning, monitoring etc.), performed by the company, it is first necessary to investigate the studied area.

In most cases, we select research and structural drilling (drilling core sampling).

Basic geotechnical and hydrogeological information on micro location can be obtained with drilling, in situ investigations in boreholes and further laboratory tests on samples.

The company carries out
  • geotechnical,
  • geomechanical and
  • exploratory drilling for their personal needs as well as for external clients.

Drilling is adjusted to geotechnical, montangeological, geological and hydrogeological conditions in the field and to results of the in situ investigations. The scope and methodology of drilling works are mostly based on conditions and results of the in situ investigations. The methodology of drilling and the in situ investigations are defined on the basis of the analyses performed by our experts.

Popoln nadzor nad kvaliteto in stroški

Research and geotechnical drilling:

  • geomechanical drilling according to Craelius standard up to the depth of 30 m,
  • performing standard penetration tests with automatic SPT,
  • retrieving of intact samples,
  • vertical inclinometers and piezometers,
  • preparation of sections for in situ geomechanical investigations in boreholes (OYO and Menard pressuremeter) and in situ hydraulic tests (slug test, Lugeon test),
  • geomechanical drilling according to Craelius standard up to the depth of 120 m (final depth depends on drilling technology and geological conditions),
  • performing standard penetration tests with automatic SPT,
  • retrieving of intact samples,
  • vertical inclinometers and piezometers,
  • rotary drilling with direct circulation of diameter 9 7/8˝ (250,8 mm) using bentonite drilling fluid or polymer drilling fluid,
  • well development using sectorial, direct, parallel and centric air-lift,
  • regeneration (cleaning, development and disinfection) of wells and piezometers with:
    • chemical cleaning (EU certified chemicals for incrustation dissolution and disinfection) and
    • mechanical cleaning (brushing, flushing, air-lift).

References: research and geotechnical drilling

NSRAO-VRBINA, NPP Krško – three objects, ARSO GOI to GOI VII, HPP BREŽICE, 2. track Maribor - Šentilj, GAS PIPE Vodice - Rateče and Pragersko - Hodoš, MONITORING of works on Savinja River in Laško, INVESTIGATIONS on railway section Celje - Zidani Most, 3.axis of highway-south part, LANDSLIDE LENDAVA, BAYPASS Luče, LUKA Koper- group of six tracks, JP VO-KA Ljubljana.

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GR Investicije d.o.o., Slovenčeva ulica 93, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel.: +386 1 292 73 46, E-mail: info@gr-investicije.si